Nika Simovich Fisher
I write about design, internet history, education, and visual culture.
Select Articles
The Ownership of Names
in The Annual (2025)
This is why Donald Trump reminds you of an infomercial
on Fast Company (2024)
Trash Metaphors
on Dirt (2024)
Generative AI Has Ushered In the Next Phase of Digital Spirituality
on WIRED (2023)
Whistlegraph, A New Audience for Generative Art
on Dirt (2023)
The inside story of New York City’s 34-year-old social network, ECHO
on MIT Technology Review (2023)
How Heart-Shaped Frames Became a Symbol of Reclaimed Femininity and a Non-binary Fashion Staple
on AIGA Eye on Design (2022)
Early Web Design Helped a Generation Express Themselves Online. How Do We Capture That Feeling Again?
on AIGA Eye on Design (2022)
A Pioneer of Digital Design Looks Back on a Defining Era
on The New York Times (2021)
How Type Designers are Digitizing and Preserving Cyrillic Typefaces in Serbia
on AIGA Eye on Design (2021)
Grassroots Efforts to Save the USPS
on AIGA Eye on Design (2020)
Foreshadows: A series of slides and captions
featured in Remote/Control (2021)
What Gets Lost in the Crop?
on Super-Hi (2021)
How to Build a Greener Web
on SuperHi (2021)
How to Design with Web Accessibility in Mind
on Super-Hi (2021)
Is There a Nonpartisan Aesthetic?
for SuperHi (2020)
Interview with Stacy Horn
on Little Chefs (2020)
Tales of Web 1.0
on SuperHi (2020)
What Do Graphic Designers Do?
on SuperHi (2020)
Pink Hair
on What Did the 2010s Look Like? (2020)